There are so many preloved websites out there that cater to the second hand handbag market, from Vestiaire Collective, to Poshmark and eBay consignment stores, that all offer amazing prices on authentic pieces - so i was spoilt for choice when looking for a specific style and size. I always get anything preloved authenticated to avoid the fakes, plus it's always important to buy off a trusted website that offers a return/refund service, just in case your not happy with your purchase. I also always look up the seller's information and feedback to see if they're trusted or not, as well as searching online for any tell tale tips on fakes of that style - i've been buying luxury for years but it helps to be cautious when parting with our hard earned $$$.
I got this bag from an eBay consignment store that had been recommended online, i put in a bargain bid last minute and won the auction after a few previous failed arrived in about a week which is fast for the Aussie postal system and i was so happy with the condition. The bag is over 20 years old which is pretty nuts, the honey patina is so pretty and the handles feel amazing - the canvas is in such good condition for the age, and as it's the older style of material it's thicker and sturdier than the newer Louis Vuitton canvas, but as it's been 'used' it's malleable and squashy too. It has a few cracks and scuffs on the leather, which is to be expected, but other than that it looks great for a vintage piece. It fits enough in for a long weekend so it's the ideal size for going away - i've definitely fallen for the vintage style and am already eyeing up a few more classic Louis Vuitton styles! It's also ideal as you don't have to 'baby' it as it's already been worn in, which i think makes it more easy and enjoyable to use. Are you a fan of vintage luxury pieces?
*Vintage Louis Vuitton Keepall 50, similar here*
It's how old? Gosh, it looks like it's in fab condition! A great size too.
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