I have been loving Google Arts and Culture - you can either use the website or app and I'm addicted. You can visit thousands of museums, worldwide, gain access to the museum's and gaze at art work as well as learning about the artist and their history. It's ideal for unwinding.
Highlights from the research include:
- The Mona Lisa is the most Googled painting in the world with an average 1,024,000 online searches per month
- Guernica by Pablo Picasso (454,500 online searches) and The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (343,000 online searches) are among the other paintings which receive over 300,000 online searches each month
- Interestingly, The Garden of Earthly Delights rounds off the top ten, as Hieronymus Bosch’s masterpiece gains an average 58,000 online searches a month