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Monday 1 February 2021

The Monday Piece - Valentine's Tea Revelations

This week's Monday Piece is on Valentine's tea revelations! What does your tea reveal about your love life?

Lovers can always turn to their kettle this Valentine’s Day as the nation braces itself for a complete dearth of restaurant dinners and romantic mini breaks during lockdown.

Studies show that drinking two to three cups of hibiscus tea each day is good for the heart and works by lowering blood pressure. Not only this, regular black tea works just as well, with a new research review published in the journal, Food Function, noting blood pressure benefits.

But what does our tea choice suggest about our personality and love life?

Regular black tea

Steady, reliable and strong with hidden depths. You love in a bold, confident way with a hint of maturity.

Ginger tea

Fiery and hot, leaving a warm glow wherever you touch. Sometimes, too much for people to handle, you make up for this by being fiercely loyal.

Chamomile tea

Most people would describe you as chilled and laid back with an inner calm. Able to bring peace and tranquillity to any situation, you are the ideal partner for stress bunnies.

Darjeeling tea

Refined and sophisticated with impeccable taste. You have beautiful, old-fashioned manners that inspire confidence and respect.

Green tea

Refreshingly different and apt to go against the flow. You are rarely the same twice and can surprise and amaze when you put your mind to it.

Rosehip tea

Deeply passionate and sweet, when you decide to love, it’s forever. But let this be a warning to anyone who takes your love for granted – you have an astringent side too. Personally I'm a fan of fresh mint tea, it's so soothing and fresh :).



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