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Monday 10 May 2021

The Monday Piece - Desenio X Blue Marine Foundation

This week's Monday Piece is on Desenio X Blue Marine Foundation! Desenio is partnered with Blue Marine foundation (BLUE) in its mission to protect the oceans. In support of BLUE and its cause, Desenio continues to celebrate the beauty of our oceans through newly launched art prints. With Clean Sea, our newest collection of art prints, we want to help BLUE draw attention to the crisis in the oceans and support a solution that preserves life and beauty beneath the surface of the ocean. The threats facing our oceans are not new. They have existed for a long time, and are escalating quickly. 90% of wild fish stocks are now overfished or fully exploited, wreaking havoc on marine ecology. When one fish species is overfished, the chain reaction is immense.

BLUE as a charity makes a difference by securing marine protected areas, developing models of sustainable fishing, restoring marine habitats, tackling unsustainable fishing and connecting people with the sea. These activities won’t only heal the ocean, they will change our future. Head over to Desenio to check it out :).




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