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Monday 15 April 2019

The Monday Piece - Hay-on-Wye, Reader's Paradise

This week's Monday Piece is on Hay-on-Wye, reader's paradise! On Saturday Nick and I took a trip to Hay-on-Wye just over the border into the countryside of Wales, as we'd heard about how amazing the shops are as it's full of second hand book stores and antiques (it even has the world's biggest second hand bookstore). It was like stepping back in time and had a very Harry Potter esque feel to it which made it so magical and enchanting! We checked out the multi level bookstores and got lost in the literature, even if you're not a bookworm there's absolutely something for everybody AND there's also a plethora of cafés where you can grab afternoon tea to enjoy with your new book. I took some mega cute photos that I've added below so check those out and let me know if it inspires you to take a trip to Hay-on-Wye :).


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